Transportation Information

Open/Closed Information: 1-866-390-0291 ex. 701
Van transportation is provided to the shelter on open nights. Please be at the stop 10 minutes ahead of time.
NOTE: THE PICK UP TIME FOR ALL VAN STOPS IS NOW 7:00 pm, effective now and through the end of the Code Blue season March 31, 2025. Due to the changing number of riders at each stop, multiple runs and changes to the pick up schedule are necessary. This means all passengers should be at their van stop by 6:50 pm to be sure they do not miss a ride to the shelter. Please be patient; the van will arrive some time between 7 - 8 pm.
Stop 1: 130 S. Clinton Street, near the Doylestown Septa train station. Pick up at the bus shelter on Clinton Street.
Stop 2: Warminster Walmart, 100 E. Street Road, Warminster. Stand at the picnic tables at the Street Road side of the curb along front of the store. DO NOT block the entrance to the store.
Free transportation on the CSSH Van is provided for the following free community meals:
1680 Aquetong Rd, New Hope
Van Transportation from N Main St by County Courthouse Doylestown at 11:50 am
3rd Sunday Monthly: Doylestown Presbyterian Church/Andrews Hall: Noon - 1 pm
125 Mechanic St. Doylestown
Van Transportation from Warminster Walmart at 11:30 am
Volunteer Transportation Team
Volunteer Transportation Team

No one under the influence of alcohol or drugs is permitted on the van. No beverages or beverage containers of any kind may be brought into the Code Blue Project shelter or on the van, including water bottles.