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The word _GIVE_ in hands in cupped shape. Concepts of sharing, giving, .jpg

To make a safe secure on-line contribution, click the donate button.

Your most vulnerable neighbors ar​e in need.

You can make a difference.

It may only take one or two life-changing circumstances to leave someone with nowhere to go.

With your support, on cold nights CSSH welcomes guests with a warm heart and listening ear, engages in conversation about needs and supports, serves a warm meal, and provides a safe place to sleep. Those relationships continue throughout the year as CSSH volunteers help to secure necessary identification and documentation, applications for county, state, and federal benefits, and referrals for available services in mental health, housing, and substance abuse treatment.  In some cases, support means achieving self sufficiency, meeting medical needs, and helping to secure employment and housing.


Please, make a financial gift today and invest in lifting people up!

Mail a check payable to CSSH to:

196 West Ashland Street

Doylestown, PA 18901

For assistance when the Code Blue shelter is closed, please call the Outreach Team at 866.390.0291 x703.


Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless is proud to be a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization (EIN 45-3252280).

The official registration and financial information of Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1.800.732.0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.



© 2023 by Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless (CSSH)

196 W. Ashland Street, Doylestown, PA 18901


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