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If you are in urgent need: dial 211  

Calls to 211 are routed by the local telephone company to a local or regional calling center. The 211 center’s referral specialists receive requests from callers, access databases of resources available from private and public health and human service agencies, match the callers’ needs to available resources, and link or refer them directly to an agency or organization that can help.

Bucks County Housing Link: 800-810-4434

The Bucks County Housing Link is the COVID-19 entry point for receiving support from the county. You must leave a message with a call back number.

CSSH Outreach

Our outreach team can provide assistance to homeless and financially distressed adults who participate in our outreach program or access our Code Blue Shelter in Central Bucks County. Contact our outreach team at 866-390-0291 ext. 703 and leave a message for more information.

Post Season CSSH Outreach Meals: After the Code Blue Shelter closes at the end of March, CSSH's outreach team continues to support those in need in Central Bucks County.  Beginning in May and ending in November each year, you may join us on the first Thursday of each month for a warm meal, stock up on supplies and limited gift cards, when available, and request help with referrals and important paperwork to assist in benefits, employment and housing.

May – November on the first Thursday of each month beginning May from 6pm – 7:15pm at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 301 N. Main St. Doylestown, (Spruce St. Entrance).

Meal dates: Thursdays May - November (May 2, June 6, July 11, Aug 1, Sept 5, Oct 3, Nov 7) 

Van transportation provided: pickup at 5:30 pm from Warminster Walmart, (stand by picnic table- not store entrance!)100 E. Street Road

Return ride provided at 7:15 pm

Our outreach program assistance may include help with regard to the following:

- Documentation such as photo ID, Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards

- Referrals for alcohol and substance abuse issues and mental health services

- Assistance with applying for county benefits

- Limited assistance for medical, dental or work related needs.

- Assistance with online searches and applications for housing and employment

- Provisions to sustain employment (such as uniforms, etc.)

- Limited emergency funding in qualifying circumstances.

CENTRAL BUCKS CODE BLUE SHELTER- Central Bucks County, Transportation is Available
Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless

Tel: (866) 390-0291 , Outreach Ext. 703



Transportation is available

Tel: 267-450-5191



Advocates for the Homeless and Those in Need

Telephone: 215-550-3868



For limited financial assistance [food gift cards, gas, or  emergency hotel rooms (1 or 2 nights only)]

• Doylestown Area FISH. 215-348-7172

• Pennridge FISH 215-257-7616

• St Vincent De Paul - St Judes 267-903-4884

• St Vincent De Paul - OLMC/Doylestown 215-348-8833

Homeless Resource Guide



Bucks County Human Services Connect - The Hub

The Administration Building (original Bucks Cty Courthouse building) , 55 East Court St., 1st Floor, Doylestown, PA 

215-348-6201 | |

Staffed to provide assistance in accessing county services, walk in hours or by appointment

10 - 4 Monday through Friday

Homeless Minors or Young Adults - Valley Youth House Shelter

Runaway and Homeless shelter in Warminster, PA

serving boys and girls ages 12 - 17.

Shelter and Emergency Hotline: 215-442-9760



A Woman's Place Hotline- for domestic violence shelter and support

(Shelter, advocacy, children's programs, Bucks County Children and Youth Services)

Telephone: 800-220-8116



Network of Victims Assistance (NOVA)

Hotline: 800-675-6900




Public Assistance and Welfare Benefits

Telephone: 1-800-692-7462



Assistance for seniors age 62 and older to access services and benefits

Telephone: 267-880-5700

Office hours: Monday-Friday - 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

24 hr. Protection from Abuse Hotline: 1-800-243-3767

55 E. Court Street, Floor 3

Doylestown, PA 18901


HUD Shelter Locator

​Find Shelter | / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)


Home Heating Crisis Assistance

Assistance with home heating crisis situations will be available 24 hours a day.

Bucks County Assistance Office

1214 Veterans Highway, Bristol, PA 19007-2593 |

Phone: 215-781-3300, Toll Free: 1-800-362-1291, FAX: 215-781-3438

LIHEAP 215-781-3393 or 1-800-616-6481


Ann Silverman Clinic at Doylestown Hospital (Doylestown Free Clinic-will take undocumented individuals)

Telephone: 215-345-2260

Free Dental Clinic of Doylestown

Telephone: 215-345-2410

Volunteer Doctors Care

Free Medical Care for the Uninsured

Telephone: 215-538-4774

Prescription Assistance for uninsured and underinsured - no name or address needed

Telephone: 866-810-3784


Bucks County Opportunity Council Food Pantry Listing

Doylestown FISH - for food, emergency 1 night housing, gas

Telephone: 215-348-7172

New Britain Baptist Church -Food Larder

Rt. 202 and Tamanend Ave, New Britain

Telephone: 215-345-9170

Doylestown Food Pantry

470 Old Dublin Pike, Doylestown, PA 18901

Telephone: 215-345-4311

Wednesday 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

Thursday 10:30 am - 1:30 pm

Sunday 10:30 am - 1:00 pm

St. Paul's Episcopal Little Food Pantry

84 East Oakland Avenue, Doylestown, PA 18901
Non-perishable food items can be self served 24 hours a day
from this self serve stand outside the church
please take only what you need right now!
YWCA of Bucks County

Bucks Landing Family Center Food Pantry - apt. L4-4

120 Street Rd.

Warminster, PA 18974


Monday-Thursday 10am-1pm

Fresh Connect Bucks County

For assistance when the Code Blue shelter is closed, please call the Outreach Team at 866.390.0291 x703.


Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless is proud to be a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization (EIN 45-3252280).

The official registration and financial information of Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1.800.732.0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.



© 2023 by Coalition to Shelter and Support the Homeless (CSSH)

196 W. Ashland Street, Doylestown, PA 18901


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